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Tripura: 15 students hospitalised after consuming food in hostel

By The Assam Tribune
Tripura: 15 students hospitalised after consuming food in hostel

Agartala, Jun 20: As many as 15 students were shifted to GB Pant hospital for treatment as they fell sick shortly after consuming the breakfast meal served in their hostel.

The incident took place at around 11 a.m. on Thursday at the Bodhjung Girls Higher Secondary School campus.

According to available information, the children came to school after having breakfast in the hostel. They started to feel an acute stomach ache in the school campus.

The school authorities, taking note of the situation, informed the health department and immediately shifted the children to the hospital.

Upon receiving the information, District Magistrate West Tripura Dr. Vishal Kumar reached the spot and spoke to the teachers and children.

Speaking to media persons after his visit to the school, the senior official said, “Around 50 children from Bodhjung girl's HS school had their food in an NGO-run boarding school. At around 11 a.m., the children experienced stomach pain. Those who fell sick had been shifted to the GB hospital for treatment. As many as 15 children were shifted to the hospital. Their health is stable now. Those who are in the school are also administered medicines for relief.”

According to the District Magistrate, food samples had been collected from the spot and strict action would be initiated against those who are responsible. “We hope all the children will recover soon," the District Magistrate said.

As per the preliminary reports, they are inmates of a government aided NGO run hostel. "Once the proper investigation is done, punitive measures will certainly be initiated. It has to be ascertained whether there is any micro-bacterial substance of chemical present in the food samples or not,” he added.

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