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Assam’s unemployed turn to Gulf countries for opportunities: Over 1,000 youth seek jobs abroad

By The Assam Tribune
Assam’s unemployed turn to Gulf countries for opportunities: Over 1,000 youth seek jobs abroad


Guwahati, Sept 25: Unemployed youths from Assam are increasingly shifting their focus away from domestic job markets in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, and instead seeking better opportunities in the Gulf countries.

Reports highlight a significant rise in the number of Assamese youths pursuing employment in the Gulf countries, with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait emerging as the most popular destinations for these job-seekers.

Information accessed from the Ministry of External Affairs reveals that nearly 1,900 youths from Northeast India sought employment in the Gulf countries between January 1 and July 30, 2024. Of these, over 1,350 were from Assam, highlighting a strong trend towards overseas employment by low-skilled youths.

Saudi Arabia remains the most popular choice, with 640 Assamese youths travelling there for work. Kuwait follows closely, with 528 individuals from Assam seeking jobs. Other Gulf nations attracting Assamese job-seekers include Qatar (68), the United Arab Emirates (61), Oman (36), and Bahrain (12).

The trend extends beyond Assam, with youths from Tripura also seeking jobs in the Gulf. During the same period, 498 Tripura youths made the journey, predominantly choosing Ku- wait as their destination.

In contrast, the number of low- skilled workers from other north- eastern states remains relatively low. Only 23 youths from Manipur and a handful from Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim have pursued opportunities in these countries.

Interviews with some of the unskilled labourers in Tamil Nadu during a recent media tour conducted by the Press Information Bureau reveal a common sentiment - many are drawn to the Gulf countries after gaining initial work experience in places like Tamil Nadu.

Dorponjit Phukan, a security person at a four-star hotel in Chennai, shared insights about the trend. “Many of our friends from Assam had gone to the Gulf countries after working in Chennai for a few months. Here, we learn about the work culture, which is helpful when transitioning to places like Saudi Arabia,” he said.

Another Assamese who works in a Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation-run beach resort in Mahabalipuram, said, “A significant number of Indians, particularly those from the Northeast, have found employment in various sectors, from civil labour to hospitality in Saudi Arabia and many of his friends, too, are following suit.”

From 2019 to 2022, nearly nine lakh Indians travelled to the Gulf countries, drawn by better wages and opportunities in sectors such as civil labour, security, and hospitality. However, this trend has raised concerns about the potential for exploitation.

"There is no doubt that the Gulf countries are becoming the most preferred destination for job-seekers. The unskilled labourers get paid much higher than back home. They are mostly employed as security guards, gardeners, camel caretakers or in shopping malls," a Dubai-based Assamese businessman told this reporter.

"However, sometimes we also get to hear about some recruitment agencies misleading Assamese youths, failing to deliver on promised job conditions and wages. There are also fears of human trafficking disguised as employment opportunities," he said.

"As more youths seek better future abroad, addressing these issues becomes crucial to ensure their safety and well-being. As most of the youths are not that qualified, they struggle when it comes to following the guidelines issued by the Indian government when it comes to emigration," he added.

-By Sanjoy Ray

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