The glasses did it!

Update: 2021-03-18 12:00 GMT

Ayanika Goswami, Class-VII, St. Mary’s H.S. School, Guwahati.

It was obvious. The doctor would have said it anyway. Lisa had just stepped out of the eye specialist, Dr. Jonas’ chamber. She had been asked to wear glasses. She was just 13. How awful! Lisa and her friends had always laughed at people who wore glasses. But now, she herself had to wear them.

Anyway, she had no option. She soon realised that we, children, are so busy with our phones or the TV that we never think that the vision we may lose as a result will never come back. Lisa started making some changes in her life. She rarely used the phone now, and instead used all her precious time reading books. Through these books, she learnt about the lives of many new writers. It also did not bore her. She could now turn the fantasy novels she read into a real world for her; greeted by fairies, of course. She also met many imaginary creatures in the fantasy world of hers.

At school, too, she could grasp concepts faster and more clearly due to her vast knowledge from the different books she read. Lisa wrote a thank you note to Dr. Jonas when she scored the highest marks in English literature. It read, “Thank you, Dr. Jonas. If you would not have prescribed me glasses, I would have never left the phone and started reading books. Thank you.”

Actually, it was a thank you letter to her glasses!

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