Real happiness

Update: 2021-03-11 12:00 GMT

My friend Robert would often tell me about this man he had met. He would always say, “Mr. Isaacs, what a fine man he is, he might look like a dangerous man, as if a pirate in those movies we see, but he is not.” He would continue to speak about him until his mom would yell at him to come home.

I had never met Mr. Isaacs until only a few years ago. I saw an old man at a toy store. At first, I thought he was buying toys for his grandchildren. But, after sometime, I noticed some people laughing at him, so I asked the storekeeper, “Sir, why are all these people laughing at him?”

He said, “He doesn’t any have children, but still he keeps buying toys.”

I said nothing; I made my purchase and left the store. Few days later, I saw him buying toys again, but this time when I saw his face something rang in my mind. I told myself, “Could it be Mr. Isaacs? He looked exactly like how Robert had described him.”

So, as soon as he left the store, I started following him, and as soon as I got the chance, I asked him, “Sir, are you Mr. Isaacs?”

He had a smile on his lips and he replied, “Yes, my child, I am Mr. Isaacs.”

I asked him, “Sir, why do you keep buying toys when you have no children?”

He replied, “I donate these toys to orphans. Do you know why? Because sharing and giving happiness to others is the best thing anyone can do in this world.” I remember these words till this day.

Avikshit R. Das, Class-VII,

Delhi Public School, ONGC, Nazira.

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