Movie on Arunachal village selected for tve Global Sustainability Films Awards
The film titled Gobuk-Harmony in the Highlands, produced by Tezpur-based Green Hub fellows Stanzin Tandup and Pauzatuala Suante, with support from Epum Sirum and Titli Trust, is one of the four global films to be shortlisted in the 'Young Filmmaker Short Film Award' category.;
Itanagar, Oct 2: A film on the conservation efforts of Gobuk village in the Upper Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh has been shortlisted for the Television for the Environment (TVE) Global Sustainability Films Awards, 2024.
The film titled Gobuk-Harmony in the Highlands, produced by Tezpur-based Green Hub fellows Stanzin Tandup and Pauzatuala Suante, with support from Epum Sirum and Titli Trust, is one of the four global films to be shortlisted in the 'Young Filmmaker Short Film Award' category.
The film documents the efforts of Gobuk village in Upper Siang district to initiate steps to conserve their biodiversity and incentivise conservation through nature-linked livelihoods. Gobuk recently conducted the first Siang Biodiversity Meet in May 2024.
Through its efforts to promote community conservation and link it to nature-linked livelihoods through responsible tourism, Gobuk hopes to show the way for other tribes in Arunachal Pradesh to sustainably balance nature conservation and livelihoods.
The film follows various conservation initiatives, including the work of Epum Sirum Welfare Society, which works with locals to reduce pressure on forests from hunting.
Titli Trust collaborates with local youth to map the area's biodiversity and promote nature-linked tourism. It also highlights Green Hub and Royal Enfield's joint venture, Green School, which engages local children in nature education through activities like birdwatching, storytelling, and nature trails.
The film captures the locals' evolving relationship with nature and the gradual shift toward conservation, responsible tourism, and wildlife protection, the sources pointed out.
The Global Sustainability Films Awards recognise outstanding films from the business, non-profit, media, and creative sectors that inspire audiences with real-world solutions for a more sustainable future. Now in its 13th year, the Awards promote powerful, effective storytelling that helps contribute to the building of a more just and sustainable future.