Aaranyak calls legal action over ‘illegal’ disposal of elephant carcass inside NRL campus

Update: 2024-07-22 12:14 GMT


Guwahati, July 22: Following the reports of the death of an elephant, Aaranyak, a member of the State Board of Wildlife, Assam, and a former member of the National Board of Wildlife, expressed deep concerns and outrage regarding the incident involving the death of a female wild elephant inside the Numaligarh Oil Refinery campus in Golaghat district of Assam.

In a press release, the NGO said, “This tragic event, which occurred on July 18, 2024, is a stark reminder of the ongoing threats faced by elephants in their natural habitat, particularly in the Golaghat district, which is part of a critical elephant corridor.”

Aaranyak expressed shock over how the refinery authorities buried the carcass of the elephant without notifying the forest department, in gross violation of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, as amended in 2022.

“Elephants that are classified as Schedule I animals under the Wildlife (Protection) Amendment Act 2022 and recognised as endangered species, besides being the National Heritage Animal in the country, deserve the highest level of protection and respect. This incident raises serious questions about the operational protocols of Numaligarh Refinery Limited and its intention and commitment towards the welfare of wildlife,” the NGO added.

“The illegal disposal of the elephant's carcass not only undermines the legal framework designed to protect endangered species but also reflects a concerning disregard for the ecological integrity of the region,” Aaranyak said, demanding the authorities take immediate action to address this situation.

The NGO further urged for immediate filing of a complaint against Numaligarh Refinery Limited for violation of Section 39 and Section 9 of the Wildlife (Protection) Amendment Act 2022 and a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the elephant's death and the illegal burial to gather needed evidence related to the complaint case.

“The Forest Department needs to ensure accountability for those responsible so as to deter such violations in the future. It is essential to implement stricter safety measures to protect wildlife, particularly in Numaligarh Refinery campus,” the press communique reads.

The NGO further said, “We also advocate for collaboration with local civil society organisations to develop strategies that prioritise wildlife protection and habitat preservation. Additionally, initiating awareness campaigns is crucial to educate the workers and authorities in industries about the importance of wildlife conservation and their legal responsibilities in sensitive ecological zones.”

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